Nick Rees | Bulletproof: Skip to main content


Chief Creative Officer


My path into the design industry is an unconventional one by today’s standards. University wasn’t an option for me, and I struggled with authority throughout my formative years. However, I found happiness expressing myself creatively. I had no idea this could actually lead to a ‘job’ and fell into the industry more by chance than any great plan. Once in, I worked hard and pushed open doors rather than waiting for them to be opened for me.

When I found Bulletproof, I found more than an agency—I found belonging. The strong and open leadership culture where my opinion counted was something I had never experienced before—allowing me to forge a solid creative direction freely, without the binds of red tape and expected formulas and solutions. I learned that our success depends on the people we surround ourselves with and if you want to work with the best in the industry then you have to support, empower and inspire them at every turn. True talent won’t stand for anything less.

Bulletproof is in my blood. It’s the biggest, most rewarding brief I’ve undertaken and I’m far from finished. We push hard every day to champion new ways of thinking and we never settle, as we are our own harshest critics. I pride myself on calling bullshit when the industry heaps layers of complexity on a creative problem and I guard this principle passionately.

We’re far from perfect and I like that—we acknowledge our flaws and address them together. I always say that as individuals we all have strengths and weaknesses—together, we are Bulletproof.